I do design

  • Thinking

  • Strategy

  • Research

  • Iteration

  • UX

Hello, I am Jodi Schwartz...

I'm a human-centered designer living in New York City . Improving user experiences with brands and products is fueled by my passion to turn insight and unmet need into action. As Director of Experience Strategy and Design at VaynerMedia, I have created engaging experiences across touchpoints of voice, connected packaging, apps and websites.

Please contact me to learn more about my recent work.

View my Resume View my Portfolio

The Services I offer

What I stand for

I want to help create delightful experiences that differentiate, transform and empower companies in the 21st century.

Human Centered Design

I use human centered design to provide experience innovation. I focus on designing for feasibiliy, viability and desirability. I empathize with the user of each project. I understand their behaviors, activities, unmet needs and motivations. I then develop strategies and design user experiences that translates user insight into actionable solutions.

Design Research

Using Design Research, I am able to determine the real user need through different design research methods. I analyze and synthesize the data, gather insights and ideate new opportunities.

Service Design

I look at how all stakeholders are involved in the customer experience. I consider all touchpoints both in person, digitally and behind the scenes. Through strategic roadmapping, I set a path for the experience to evolve.

Design Strategy

I work at the intersection of creativity, insight and business. Using design methods, I generate opportunities while focusing on constraints. I use divergent thinking to create choices and convergent thinking to make choices.

User Experience Designer

In this digital age, I use user-centered design principles and prototyping tools to translate user and business insights into delightful and visually enticing interactions.

Mechanical Engineering

At my core, I am an analytical problem solver who is continuously learning. After understanding the problem, I am able to determine the actionable next steps and the skills necessary to bring the concept to life.

Voice Strategist and Designer

I take new platforms and devices to build the right experiences through voice. Whether it is an entertainment skill, a utility skill or even leveraging voice search, I ensure the skill is designed for the right audience in the right context.

The works I am proud of

View my Process Portfolio View my Visual Design Portfolio

Please contact me at jodi.s.schwartz@gmail.com to learn more about my latest projects at VaynerMedia.com. Project Highlights include: Digital Strategy for Captain Morgan, Voice Skill Design for Johnnie Walker and Ellen Degeneres and website builds for Johnson's Baby, Xyzal and more.


Master's Thesis


Your prototypes are garbage.

Picture this scenario: You are designing a mug with a 3D printer. After 15 iterations, you are happy with your final product. What do you do with all the prototypes and scraps.

Currently, these prototypes and scraps are discarded into the trash. Multiply this scenario by all the 3D Printing makers globally.

This Maker Community is building new ideas and creating a new unmanaged wastestream. We need a way to mitigate this growing wastestream.

The Opportunity

1.Manage the 3D printing wastestream

2.Create a new 3D printing filament using the general wastestream

3.Align the recycling industry processes to create recycled filament for 3D printers


Manage the new 3D printing wastestream. Allow consumers to focus on the product that comes from the value of recycling.

How might we...

How might we alter the Maker Community behaviors to incorporate recycling into a growing new segment.

Make the 3D printing industry waste neutral

Take advantage of the pre-separated plastics on site

Incorporate sustainability into the Maker Community

Create a consumer facing relationship with 3D printer manufacturing brands

Engage the collaborative nature of the Maker Community to incorporate recycling into their everyday process.


Focus on the Maker Community to integrate the M-Blend touchpoints into their 3D printing routine. Using M-Blend service to provide an opportunity to connect the Makers creating at home to the Maker Spaces popping up around the cities.

Touchpoints in the service

The Product

Introduces the purpose of the brand and the tangible final product it produces.

The Collection

For the maker at home, the bag helps to change habits. The maker is promted to, “Fill me up and bring me back" to a community location. An icon in Maker Spaces brings stability and trust as people recycle, connect and expand their network.


The Community

M-Blend becomes an invitation to join the community. The website increases awareness about the process and provides necessary knowledge about components


Components of the Process

The Filament Recycling Process

The M-Blend Process

Job Board V3

UX Design

Company Description

TenLegs is an innovative platform that brings together members of a school community onto one trusted network: students, career services administrators and advisors, student advisors and more.

Project Scope

Version 3 of the Job Board. This includes the user flow where the employer receives a job application and where the student submits a job application through the the TenLegs system.


Tools used: Adobe Creative Suite


Tools used: Omnigiraffle

Hollistic Phone Health- Samsung

Interaction Design


Design an interaction that would make the phone owner more aware and educated about the existing services that would protect the phone and its contents.

How might we...

Create an educated user who takes proactive measures towards their holistic phone health.


Designed an in-context interaction that would prompt phone awareness and education by focusing on the human needs related to each potential risk.

Understanding the challenge

Conducted ethnographic interviews to understand the phone security landscape. Methods used included developing a user research plan, conducting field visits, experience simulation, user observation and secondary research.

Synthesizing observations and insights

Translated observations from user interviews and secondary research into insights.

Developed frameworks from insight.

Determined why users are prepared with a cell phone security plan and when, based on experience, they will put this plan in place.

Framing possible solutions

Turning insight into opportunity

Key insight: People are their own security. When it comes to protecting their hardware, they protect the outside to protect the inside.

What if could reduce the users reliance on themselves to protect their phone?

What if we could work together with our phone?

How might we increase user awareness and understanding of best phone preparedness methods starting at the out of box experience?

Turning opportunities into brainstorming

Prototyping and iterating

Brainstorming into concepts with user feedback

Low-fidelity to high-fidelity prototyping


Connecting the batery back to the existing Samsung battery power saving modes, but in context.



Connecting the portal back to the existing settings system, but allowing the user to explore it when they need to.


In-context application

The Algorithm

An algorithm was created to determine when Canary was activated.

Helping the user to focus on the memories, not their pictures. Focusing on the events, not the battery life

Results and Review

Developed a strong, trusting relationship with the client.

The importance of desiging with the client in mind. Understood the pipeline and what was feasible and viable to be executed.

Followed insight to add phone battery life as a security issue. Convinced client this was an important component of phone security and holistic phone health.

Make things relative: By focusing on their needs at the moment and on the human needs related to each potential risk.

Showed the client, through videos and screen-walkthrough, how the interaction would work. This was an effective form of communication.

Tools and Team

Tools: Adobe creative suite, invision, in-context video development, storyboarding, service blueprinting, journey mapping, persona development, clustering, insight sorting, tree diagramming

Team: Brittany Murphy, Olivia Ching, Jeff Kahn

Managing Multiples

Service Design


Improve the adoption of the portal (a technology service used to connect the patients to the Center).

How might we...

Provide parents who are managing multiple family members more efficient and engaging ways to stay on top of every memeber’s healthcare.


Provide solutions for patients alongside their journey into the Center. Improve the check-in experience, how events are broadcasted to the patients, and how the portal is introduced.

Understanding the challenge

Conducted ethnographic interviews with Erie Family Health Center employees to understand the client, the challenge, the trends. Methods used included developing a user research plan, conducting field visits, experience simulation, user observation and secondary research.

The problem

On the surface, Erie Family Health Center provides good health care to low-income patients, but on a deeper level, Erie’s “Trust, Heal, Care” mission is not fully being realized. The creative methods of this service design course provide a unique and effective approach to help build on these opportunities. There is great potential for patients to more fully engage in their health care and help increase care efficiencies within the Erie care facilities.

Synthesizing observations and insights

There are many areas where improvements in the process could be made. We looked at different points in the patients journey to try and design a better experience and investigate how these families can benefit from the portal.

Key insights

Throughout patient’s journey there are multiple wasted touch points that could be more efficient and effective: either removing unnecessary touch points, or utilize the touch points in a way to prevent information overload.

Patients do not know the benefits of the following: patient portal, proper health plans, health promoting services, etc.. They also do not have enough knowledge about promoting their family’s health.

Erie services are under-utilized. Many patients are not aware the dental services, health education programs, counselling programs and many others available at their disposal.Erie provides many services to create a holistic experience for their patients, but this is not properly communicated to the patients.

Framing possible solutions

Turning insight into opportunity



Low-fidelity to high-fidelity prototyping

The Folder

The Calendar

The Kiosk

Results and Review

Step, stretch, leap

Optimizing touchpoints in the patient's journey

Tools and Team

Tools: Adobe creative suite, invision, in-context video development, storyboarding, service blueprinting, journey mapping, persona development, clustering, insight sorting, tree diagramming

Team: Kamyin Cheng, Brad Gill

Boomer Travel (Coming Soon)

Design Strategy

This website is still under construction. Please take a look at my portfolio in the meantime.

Packaging Design-P&G (Coming Soon)

Product Design

This website is still under construction. Please take a look at my portfolio in the meantime.

Hartsdale Family Eyecare (Coming Soon)

Brand Strategy

This website is still under construction. Please take a look at my portfolio in the meantime.

Plastic Sort (Coming Soon)

Product Design-Undergraduate Thesis

This website is still under construction. Please take a look at my portfolio in the meantime.

Other Projects (Coming Soon)


This website is still under construction. Please take a look at my portfolio in the meantime.

"You have to begin designing without all the information that you'll eventually need. The goal is to be an expert coming out, not going in." ~Bruce Mau

Keep in Touch with me

Please reach out to me to discuss what inspires you after browsing through my website.

Jodi Schwartz
New York, NY